Monday, April 13, 2009

The Penny Lab
The penny lab was an interesting activity with a surprising outcome. The procedures of this lab were, first to put a penny on a flat surface. Second take a water dropper filled with water an see how many drops of water could be put on the penny before it spilled over. I predicted 8- 10 drops of water. The results of trial 1 were 12 drops of water. Trial 2 resulted with 19 drops of water. Trial 3 proved the most with 20 drops of water. These results surprised me. My prediction was defiantly low. Surface tension is the reason that the water stayed on the penny. The polar nature of the water caused the water to stick together. The water beading up will be supported by surface tension until the force of gravity becomes to great. then the water spills of the penny. This experiment was really cool.

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