Tuesday, April 21, 2009

Anitated Bib.

Annotated Bibliography

How do Solar Panels Work?http://solar.calfinder.com/blog/solar-electric/how-do-solar-panels-work/- This website explained how solar panels work. It said that solar panel are made up of a bunch of individual cells that all soak up solar power. Then the power from the cells combine to create a force of electricity. I plan to use this site to tell how solar panels work.

Solar Cost FAQ http://www.thesolarguide.com/solar-power-uses/cost-faq.aspx This site tells ho much solar panel systems cost. It said that a house system coasts about $20,000. It goes on to talk about other systems for powering different things. These systems are cheaper than the house systems. I plan to use this site while advising citizens to purchase solar panels for their homes.

Solar Homes-The Benefit of Solar Power at Home http://ezinearticles.com/?Solar-Homes---The-Benefits-of-Solar-Power-at-Home&id=251082- This site tells about the benefits of using solar power. It says that solar panels provide free energy at your homes. It also explains that solar panel are environmentally friendly. I plan to use this information while explaining how it would be if everyone took my advice.

Greenhouse Gases and Society http://www.umich.edu/~gs265/society/greenhouse.htm- This site tells about the Greenhouse Gas Effect. It lists the main greenhouse gases. It talks about how the temperature of the Earth is rising. I plan to use this site to explain what would continue happening if nobody takes my advice.

1 comment:

alister said...


There are many benefits you will love when you have a solar power house. Consumers have the misconception that having a house run on solar power will be unaffordable. Although some installed solar power house systems do end up requiring a lot of money, you may be able to get a solar powered home system in place without spending a fortune. If you enjoy doing things on your own, putting in a residential solar energy system in your home may be economical and exciting.