Monday, April 20, 2009

4 questions


What, specifically about your topic, are you going to research?
--- I am going to research how solar power reduces green house gases.

What conclusions did you come to?
Converting to solar power directly reduces green house gases. Solar panels convert light from solar rays to electricity. The do this without admitting any carbon into the atmosphere. Solar power is a clean and effective way to power homes with out burning coal or natural gas.

What do you recommend average citizens do to make a difference? Be specific. This is the main part of your assignment.
- I would recommend average citizens to look into installing solar panels to power their homes. Solar panels are getting cheaper and cheaper all of the time.

What would happen if, worst-case scenario, nobody listened to your recommendations?-
-- We would continue burning coal and natural gas for our energy sources. Carbon admissions would increase more and more.

What would happen if, best-case scenario, everybody listened to your recommendations?
---If people listened, carbon admissions would dramatically decrease and we would have a free and green energy source.

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