Thursday, November 20, 2008

Ship voyage

Direction traveling: San Francisco, United States to Sydney, Australia Southwest

Were you successful? Yes I was successful.

How many attempts? I completed this voyage on my first try.

How were you successful? I was successful by getting the trade winds to blow me South of the equator and the West to Sydney.

What winds did you take advantage of or compete with during your travel? I took advantage of the trade winds.

Direction traveling: Havana, Cuba to London, England Northeast

Were you successful? Yes I was.

How many attempts? It took me 6 tries on this voyage.

How were you successful? I was successful by taking advantage of the prevailing westerlies to blow me north. Then, I went East so I didn't get to far North. Then,
after that I had a straight shot.

What winds did you take advantage of or compete with during your travel? I took advantage of the prevailing westerlies.

Direction traveling: Lima, Peru to Cape Town, South Africa Southeast

Were you successful? Yes I was successful.

How many attempts? It took me 8 attempts.

How were you successful? I was successful by using the prevailing westerlies to blow me around the tip of South America. Then, I went slightly North, and the East to port.

What winds did you take advantage of or compete with during your travel? I took advantage of the prevailing westerlies.

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