Tuesday, October 7, 2008

The Space Program


Grace's 8th Grade Page said...

John, your post about the space program is very well done. I learned about the project gemini and how this project taught NASA how to live and work in space and it also taught them how to maneuver a space craft into orbit.

I thought that the Project Apollo 13 was most interesting because it started off really good and two days into the trip the oxygen tank blew up, but everyone survived!

I was surprised that since the failure of Apollo 13 they still sent up 3 more. They were all successful, however.

Good job,

Anonymous said...

Good Job! I learned about Apollo 13 and how amazing it is that nobody died on that trip.

I thought the Space Race and how it all started was most interesting.

I was suprised that the 1st time a human was sent into space, the mission was successful.
