Wednesday, October 29, 2008

Atmosphere Paragraph

Earth's atmosphere makes it very different from the moon and all the other planets in the solar system in a few different ways. First, hundreds of craters cover the moon from meteoroids. There is no atmosphere to stop them. On Earth however, there are far less meteroids that strike. The reason that so few meteroids make it to the surface of Earth is the atmosphere. When the meteroid enters the atmosphere, the friction of the object and the atmosphere causes the object to burn up. The evidence of the ones that do strike doesn't last very long. The weather and climate change on Earth wears away the evidence of the impact. Earth is also extreamly different from the other planets because of its atmosphere. Earths atmosphere. On planets lacking an atmosphere, the sun bakes them allowing nothing to live. On Earth there is a steady temperature deue to the atmosphere. On the moon and other planets they are extreamly hot when the sun is touching them and extreamly cold when the sun isn't facing them. Finally, on Earth thre is liquid water because the atmosphere protects it from harsh temperatures that would evaporate or freeze the water. On the moon and other solar system planets, the temperatures an way to extreame for water to take its liquid form. Earth is very unique.

Tuesday, October 7, 2008

Monday, October 6, 2008


The Science of Rockets- Since the late 1950's, NASA has used Atlas rockets to launch its space expeditions. Recent models of this rocket are used today.

The Space Program- The National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA)was started in 1958. NASA has been responsible for many famous space expeditions such as Project Mercury, Gemini, and Apollo 13. NASA has landed men on the moon on several different occasions.

Exploring Space Today- New technology is aiding present day space exploration. A floating robot has been designed to help scientists on the International Space Station. This robot could assist in scientific breakthroughs.

Using Space Science on Earth- Many people believe that the Space Program is a pointless program to fund with the U.S. budget. Less than 1% of the money is put into the Space Program. NASA believes that the Space Program helps us here on Earth as well as in space. Many technological breakthroughs and more understanding of Earth has resulted from the program. It also improves our economy by providing jobs for Americans.

Wednesday, October 1, 2008