Thursday, August 20, 2009

Shift Happens

                                                 Shift Happens


    I am John and I thought that the part about the super computer was awsome. I was amazed that there are more honor students in China than students in the United States.  Overall, I thought that Shift Happens was fasinating.    

    Im TJ and I thought the part when they said more text messages are sent every day than there are people was a crazy thought to think about. all and all i thought that that this clip was very interesting and made me think about a lot of stuff.

    I am Amanda, we all agreed that "Shift Happens" was a very cool and informative video. It showed us how materialistic the USA is because of the statistics about cellphones and the supercomputers. I couldn't believe that they predict that by 2040 there will be a computer that is smarter than the human race, it was very shocking. Also that they said that half of what we learn will be outdated in the next 3 years!

    In Conclusion, all of us thought that Shift Happens was awesome.