Friday, January 23, 2009

Tuesday, January 20, 2009

Earthquake Questions

Where do most of the earthquakes tend to happen?- Most of the earthquakes happen on the Pacific plate along the ring of fire.

Why do you think that is? I think this is because of all of the volcanoes that make up the ring of fire.

What is this area called? The area is called the ring of fire.

Where is the earthquake closest to Manitou Springs? What are the details of this earthquake? Would people be able to feel this earthquake? About how much more ground shaking would occur for this magnitude earthquake compared to a magnitude 1 earthquake? About how much greater is the energy released with this earthquake compared to the energy of a magnitude 1 earthquake?-

Earth quakes have occurred near Manitou due to fault lines that extend from Cheyenne Mountain to Woodland Park and Divide. The closest earthquake to Manitou Springs would be on the active Rampart Range fault, Oil Creek fault, and the Ute Pass fault. Sometimes you can feel these earthquakes. The mosty recent earthquake near Manitou happened on Saturday, January 17, 2009 at 8:02. This earthquake had a magnitude of 2.8. Sometimes you can feel these earth quakes but usually you can't. This earthquake occured in New Mexico, 82 miles north of Albuquerque. compared to a magnitude 1 earth quake, this earthquake would have had around 100 timews the ground shaking. The energy released from a 2.8 magnitude earthquake is about 1,000 times greater than a magnitude 1.

Choose one earthquake that has happened in the last seven days. You will be researching that earthquake. Tell me all about it. Are earthquakes common in this area? Include at least one picture, preferably of the earthquake, but if you can’t find one include one of the area.

On Thursday, January 22, 2009 in Guatemala, there was a 5.1 magnitude earthquake.
The cordinants of this earthquake are 15.309°N, 91.499°W. To put the location into perspective, it was 80 miles NW of Guatemala City, Guatemala.

How can people protect themselves from the dangers of earthquakes?

When an earthquake is occuring, get under a desk or table. Hold on to your shelter and be ready for it to move on you. Avoid windows, hanging lights, and tall furniture. Cover you neck and head with your arms. If shelter is unavailavle, stay under a doorway.