Sunday, September 21, 2008

Seasons Conclusion Paragraph

The tilt on earth's axis causes the hemispheres to recieve different amounts of the suns energy. the results of this is seasons. Earth's axis is angled at 23.5 degrees. As the earth revolves around the sun the southern and northern hemispheres are exposed to different amounts of solar energy. For part of the year the northern hemisphere recieves more direct sunlight. For the other part, the southern gets more. If it is winter in the northern hemisphere, it is summer in the southern hemisphere. The tilt and revolution of earth causes seasons.

Season Voki

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Wednesday, September 17, 2008

Enigma Box

The Enigma Box is a black rectangular box with two holes at the top. One hole is big and one is small. At the bottom of the box there is a small tube coming out of a hole in the bottom of the Enigma Box. When water is dumped in the to larrge hole it dosent drain out the tube until a certain amount of water is dumped in the hole. The water comes out the tube at around 400ml. of water. Then, it completly drains.

I think that there is some kind of bladder inside the Enigma box. When enough water is dumped inside the hole it expands at the bottom. then all the water is sucked down through the tube. The bladder expands at around 400 ml.

my inference was incorrect. Inside the Enigma box there is a tube with both ends open. It is louped around on the inside of the box. Both ends are on the bottom, but one sticks out. When water is dumped in, the level rises in the tube and outside of it. When the water level reaches over the peak of the tube's curve, is rushes down the downhill side. All the remaining water is sucked out by air pressure. On this particular box, the water rises above the tubes peak at around 400 ml.

I thought that thjis was really cool. I theought and thought how it worked. It seemed so hard. But, when I was told it seemed so simple. It was awsome!

Monday, September 15, 2008


In the book Zoom the pictures start out as a simple rooster. The rooster turns out to be a toy in a table top toy set in a magazine. The magazine is shown being read by a lady on an advertisement for a California Cruise line. The cruise advertisement is on the side of a bus. The bus is on a T.V. being watched by an Indian in the middle of the Arizona desert. This whole scene turns out to be a stamp on a letter being delivered by a mailman, in a boat, to some natives on a tropical island. All of this is being watched by a man in an airplane. Then the pictures zoom out again and finally endas in a scene showing earth from space.

My inference was that the book will show a broader and broader view, turning simple scenes into a small part in a larger picture. This was correct and had a lot to do with perspective. As the perspective grew and grew, the viewer's whole attention changed with it.

When I was looking at the book zoom, I was blown away at how dramaticly the perspective changed. I didn't think it would be anything more than a farm at the end. Instead it was the world. Thinking bigger and more open mindedly helps altar your perspective.

In the field of science, people will be interested in different perspectives of the world in which we live in. a bioligest might prefer a small perspective, studying one single organism within billions. Where an astronomer woud use a much broader perspective to study our relation and location in space. The perspective varies from field to field in science.